> have you tried to specify the _whole_ path (including the 
> drive/partition)? since you copied the cd to an HFS partition, maybe 
> your path needs to start with something like this (assuming that your 
> HFS partition is hda4 - you can find out using the pdisk utitilty for 
> the mac): /dev/hda4/......

Linux doesn't work that way. His HFS drive should be mounted on /instmnt/
so if the files are in DebianBoot on that drive, /instmnt/DebianBoot/
should be the right path (just an example). /dev/hda4 is not a directory
where the disk could possbly be mounted on. 
Just using /instmnt/ in that dialog should make the installer search for
the files on the whole drive (though it will expect to find them in the
same directories as on the CD - copying the whole install/ directory
over should preserve the directory structure just fine).

If you tell the installer to locate the files in a nonstandard directory
for you, there might be additional choices (for path/rescue.bin, there
would also be path/.resource/rescue.bin and path/.finderinfo/rescue.bin)
due to the way a HFS filesystem is represented in Linux. Don't select
these .resource or .finderinfo files, they are fakes. 


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