> Please try XFree86 4.0.1 - look at http://samosa.debian.org/~branden/woody/ .

As a matter of fact I tried a 4.0 released with the modification brought 
bye the guys at linuxppc.org. It did run the control driver (but with bugs) 
and failed to run the tdfx driver.

But I'll give a try to the phase 2 XFree 4.0.1 debs this week.

> I'm not sure if the tdfx driver will work (use Option "UseFBDev" at least),
> but the fbdev driver should be faster on the control hardware.

Thanks for the insight.

                                        Frédéric Séraphine
        Tel: 476 61 53 85       -       Fax: 476 61 52 07
        INRIA Rhone-Alpes - ZIRST - 655 Avenue de l'Europe - Montbonnot
        38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

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