
Trying to boot Debian on IBM RS/6000 43P-140 (7043 - 604e 200 MHz) with no
succes, and messing with the OF configuration, somehow I've got stucked
with the serial console keyboard working with the local video in text

After some tests and resets I've managed to have the local keyboard back,
first in text mode, and then in graphics mode. It didn't happen to have
the local keyboard with the serial console video.

After all, I wasn't able to boot this machine with the available install
boot images, even from other distributions like YellowDog, SuSE and


Marcio Augusto Stocco
Systems Engineer - PRODAM

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Kaz Aoshima wrote:

> Hi,
> Return for :
> >From: Adrian Dascalu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> on " Serial terminal emulation "
> date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:30:17 +0300 >>>
> >Hi,
> >Another novice question:
> >
> >I have booted my RS6k without video card and ps/2 kbd and still it
> >doesn't show anything on Hyperterm (attached with null modem cable, 9600
> >8N1). Any sugestion ?
> It seems that keyboard is the key of serial console.
> If not keyboard, serial console is on.
> On PowerStack, serial console works when there are no kbd and vga 
> connection.
> RS/6000 may be the same.
> But I have not try to do it on my 830.
> Best regards.
> ----------------------
> Kaz Aoshima = Editor of the PReP station

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