On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 06:33:58PM +0200, Stefan Kluth wrote:
> > 
> > 5) Eventually you get to the "Make Linux Bootable ..." stage. Follow the
> >    installation manual and SKIP this step. Now we need to deal with
> >    yaboot. The long mkofboot command on pg. 45 didn't work, because there
> >    is no ofboot.b script at this stage. I resorted to mounting the debian
> actually that is a error in teh install doc, ofboot.b is in
> /target/etc/ofboot.b
> potato r1 should however have a new ybin which will autogenerate
> ofboot.b.  you won't have to edit this script anymore (even for
> multiboots) 

That will help a lot. Are there plans to make the installer deal with
yaboot.conf? It looks like its not too hard to have the installer generate
a yaboot.conf with information from the user about the locations of the
bootstrap, root and possibly macos partitions. 

cheers, Stefan

---Stefan Kluth---------------Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter-----------
-  MPI fuer Physik         -  phone:  +49 89 32354 468  -      OPAL&  -
-  Foehringer Ring 6       -  fax:    +49 89 32354 305  -      ATLAS  -
---D-80805 Munich, Germany----e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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