On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, [iso-8859-1] Michael Lyngbøl wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 01:49:16PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >   This is probably a stupid question on my part so please forgive me but I 
> > was
> > looking through the ftp archives of the powerpc portion of the debian ftp 
> > site
> > this weekend but I never saw any CD ISO images. Are there any that a fella 
> > might
> > be able to download? I'd like to get ahold of one so I can put together a 
> > debian
> > powerpc box for testing purposes. I've got a YDL, a linuxppc and SuSE 
> > setup... I
> > would like to complete the set.
> Found mine here:
> <URL:ftp://ftp.proxad.net/mirrors/debian-cd.debian.org/debian-cd/2.2_rev0/>

somebody has to say it: you should use pseudo-image-kit-2.0
It seems a little intimidating at the beginning, but once you follow the
instructions it actually works fine. It downloads the .deb's that make up
a particular CD from a Debian package mirror, builds a pseodo-image
(hence the name;)) and rsyncs it to an official CD image. The rsyncing
transmits a few 10 MB of data at most, thus taking load of the CD image
servers. The bonus you get is that if a CD image should get updated, say
rev1, you only have to rsync again instead of pulling the whole 650MB

The only gripe I had was that I had to try a lot of rsync servers before I
found one that worked. 

Cheers, Stefan

---Stefan Kluth---------------Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter-----------
-  MPI fuer Physik         -  phone:  +49 89 32354 468  -      OPAL&  -
-  Foehringer Ring 6       -  fax:    +49 89 32354 305  -      ATLAS  -
---D-80805 Munich, Germany----e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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