I can not tell you how to look through the listarchives other than the
lists.debian.org webpage. However I had a similar problem on my old ppc
5500/225. I tried every setting possible on anXious, gave up got back to
linuxppc2000 and found out that it uses Xpmac.rage128.usb.rev9 instead of
XF68_FBDev that debian does. so, I copied xpmac to a mac partition
reinstalled debian and removed the file named X (I am on the mac now so I
dont exactly where it is, somewhere around /etc, maybe inside /etc/x11)
I put the xpmac file in the same dir as the XF68_FBDev file and made a
symlink with the name X where the old X file was. and rebooted up in
beautiful new desktop. well not really, when I rebooted, I came straight
into xdm which couldn't start the Xserver properly, so before you reboot,
make initdefault to start without x and start it manually instead
as you can see I am NOT a linux expert, but this is how I did it, maybe it
will work for you to.
good luck