Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> OK, let's try this again.
> Patches are fine.  Suggestions are welcome, although it's more than a
> little bit late for them.  Rants do no one any good, and get
> short-tempered replies like this one is shaping up to be.

The problem is that I'm not a hacker trying this linux distro because
I've got a spare Mac lying around, I'm a mac user who's completely new
to linux! I *can't* write patches, and I barely know enough to make suggestions!

> The lack of documentation is a result of no one having time to write
> any!
> There is no 'zip driver for the installer', it's using the kernel disk
> driver.  Check linuxppc-dev.
> And please get a mail client that wraps lines at some sane length?

Oops, I'd turned that off for a posting to alt.ascii-art. Sorry!
    __                        __
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  /--/ __.  __  ________    /  / __. , __o  _  _
 /  (_(_/|_/ (_(_) / / <_  /__/_(_/|_\/ <__</_/_)_

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