I'm going to be installing Debian on a 1GB internal SCSI drive, and I'd like 
some advice on partitioning. I have a version of drive setup that can make A/UX 
partitions, or I can boot into the setup from BootX and use the partitioner 
there. I know I need a swap partition (~64MB, right, since I have 64MB of RAM?) 
and at least one "linux native" partition, but I understand it's better to have 
separate partitions for some, if not all, of the root directories (/home, /var, 
/etc, etc.), so I'd like advice on how much space to give each partition. Also, 
using the partition tool from the rescue disk, do I need to use the "C" command 
or the "c" command to make the partitions? If "C", what type do I specify? I 
tried "Linux_Swap", and the installer doesn't recognize it. I tried "Linux 
Swap" and got an error. BTW, I'm not going to be using this installation for 
anything fancy, like a big server or a firewall, it's just sort of for messing 
around and learning linux. Thanx!
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