At 23:28 -0500 24-07-2000  Kevin van Haaren wrote:
Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a PowerMac 7200
[detailed info on how to install - thanx !]

I almost gave up installing Debian on my 7200, especially after reading previous posts on this list. So Kevin's message was very good news, and I'll give it another try.

Here my 2 cents :

System 7.5.3 can be found here : (one line)

19 diskimages.

Selecting all and dragging on Stuffit Expander will mount the CD image.

Or expand individual disk images and double-click the expanded "01_of_19'.
It will look for the other images and mount the cd image.

(Okay, obvious stuff, but when you're looking for a *cd* image, you might discard any floppy diskimages you come across.)


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