Michael Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > Your error message looks like the disk doesn't like one of the feature set
> > > commands the kernel sends it. I'll have to look at the IDE driver to see
> > > if that's the DMA setting or some other drive command. Did you try
> > > hda=noautotune, and does this happen with all kernel versions?
> > 
> > As raf mentioned in the other reply to my org. posting, this happens
> > with kernel versions 2.2.15-2.2.17, but I think I sometimes had them
> > with 2.2.14 too, yet much less often. And it happens both with and
> > without hda=autotune.
> I've had a look at the code and the setfeature command in fact is the
> multiword DMA enable. 
> You could try the following to narrow down the problem further:
> - omit the -p in the wakeup hdparm command, to make sure we're not running
> into a problem with PIO mode autotune here (the kernel option is kind of
> defeated by that option for all I can see).

Sorry, which one is the wakeup command? I have removed every -p from
the PB3400 section I could find for now.

> - add a -x34 after the -d1 in the wakeup command (see hdparm man

It's actually -X34 according to the man page.

I'll (hopefully) report success with the new settings. 

BTW: Can I also turn off the backlight in order to save energy?


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