Hi everybody, I would like to install Debian Potatoe (http://ftp.fsn.hu/ftp/pub/CDROM-Images/debian-unofficial/) on an Mac G4. But I don't manage to boot from the CD-image. I tried to boot it with yaboot, but I was not able to load the ramdisk image. Did anyone manage to solve this problem?
Andreas -- Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Abach * Lehrstuhl fuer Kunststofftechnik Uni Erlangen Tel.: +49-9131-85297-06 * Fax.: -09 * email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Am Weichselgarten 9 * D-91058 Erlangen * www.keramikspritzgiessen.de PGPID 0x5672B1F8 F-Print FD50 85C0 7580 5467 65E7 3BE8 58BC 65F4 5672 B1F8