I know this has been asked a million times.  and I've RTFM'd until I think I'm
going to scream.  I need to use more than one mouse button.  I must.

I'm using XFree86 4.0.  I've passed the kernel parameter "adb_buttons=111,119"
which are , according to xev, the correct keys.
this I have passed in /etc/yaboot.conf under the append section, after the video
information, tacked on with a semicolon.  then I run ybin and reboot.
it doesn't seem to be working.

can anyone help?
I'm running a pismo...
I only have a few more issues (getting airport working and sound on the 
internal speakers are the others)
Christopher Sanner   | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone  :703-409-1144 | Fax   :703-889-1060
Linux SysAdmin to WinStar Telecommunications through VistaRMS
Vice President and Co-Founder MasonLUG
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for pgp key and geek code block

If vegetarians eat vegetables, I guess that makes me a humanitarian.

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