I'm trying to install Debian on a G4. The actual installation works flawlessly, with the exception of the atyf128 driver not being in the kernel - but video=ofonly gets around this. I've been told this has been fixed in incoming.
There's two internal SCSI hard drives, both are going to be used by linux. I use 'i' in mac-fdisk to wipe the drives, then set up a Apple_Bootstrap partition along with the rest of my Linux partitions. Go through and install the rest of the base system. At the end I execute a shell. Edit /target/etc/ofboot.b and change the boot line to: boot /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATTO,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@0:2,\\yaboot (The drive is on SCSI ID 0, the Apple_Boostrap partition is 2) and save. Then I run mkofboot: mkofboot --boot /dev/sda2 -m /target/etc/ofboot.b --root /dev/sda4 \ --partition 4 \ --device /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATTO,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@0:2 I reboot the system, and it apparently hangs on the grey screen. So I reboot the system, and hold down the option key. The CD pops as a boot device, but then the 'watch hand' sits there for an apparently infinite amount of time. So I reboot off the CD, passing 'debian root=/dev/sda4 video=ofonly' to yaboot, and the system boots up fine. What am I doing wrong? I'm following the instructions Ethan Benson has up at www.alaska.net/~erbenson/debian/ and www.alaska.net/~erbenson/doc/yaboot-faq.html. I'm using the 2.2.16 boot floppies. Attached is my ofboot.b and yaboot.conf file. -- Brian M. Almeida Linux Systems Engineer | http://www.winstar.com | [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Developer | http://www.debian.org | [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Bosnia Mossad Honduras Ron Brown Khaddafi encryption Clinton Project Monarch Ft. Knox Kennedy Rule Psix North Korea Semtex strategic Roswell smuggle Uzi Kibo Croatian Vickie Weaver
## example yaboot.conf for ybin and yaboot 0.6 ## see man yaboot.conf for more details. ## change to your bootstrap partition ie /dev/hda2 boot=/dev/sda2 device=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATTO,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@0:2,\\yaboot timeout=20 install=/boot/yaboot magicboot=/boot/ofboot.b image=/vmlinux label=Linux root=/dev/hda4 read-only partition=4
<CHRP-BOOT> <COMPATIBLE> iMac,1 PowerMac1,1 PowerBook1,1 PowerMac2,1 PowerMac3,1 PowerBook2,1 PowerBook3,1 </COMPATIBLE> <DESCRIPTION> GNU/Linux PPC bootloader </DESCRIPTION> <BOOT-SCRIPT> boot /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATTO,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@0:2,\\yaboot </BOOT-SCRIPT> <OS-BADGE-ICONS> 1010 000000000000F8FEACF6000000000000 0000000000F5FFFFFEFEF50000000000 00000000002BFAFEFAFCF70000000000 0000000000F65D5857812B0000000000 0000000000F5350B2F88560000000000 0000000000F6335708F8FE0000000000 00000000005600F600F5FD8100000000 00000000F9F8000000F5FAFFF8000000 000000008100F5F50000F6FEFE000000 000000F8F700F500F50000FCFFF70000 00000088F70000F50000F5FCFF2B0000 0000002F582A00F5000008ADE02C0000 00090B0A35A62B0000002D3B350A0000 000A0A0B0B3BF60000505E0B0A0B0A00 002E350B0B2F87FAFCF45F0B2E090000 00000007335FF82BF72B575907000000 000000000000ACFFFF81000000000000 000000000081FFFFFFFF810000000000 0000000000FBFFFFFFFFAC0000000000 000000000081DFDFDFFFFB0000000000 000000000081DD5F83FFFD0000000000 000000000081DDDF5EACFF0000000000 0000000000FDF981F981FFFF00000000 00000000FFACF9F9F981FFFFAC000000 00000000FFF98181F9F981FFFF000000 000000ACACF981F981F9F9FFFFAC0000 000000FFACF9F981F9F981FFFFFB0000 00000083DFFBF981F9F95EFFFFFC0000 005F5F5FDDFFFBF9F9F983DDDD5F0000 005F5F5F5FDD81F9F9E7DF5F5F5F5F00 0083DD5F5F83FFFFFFFFDF5F835F0000 000000FBDDDFACFBACFBDFDFFB000000 000000000000FFFFFFFF000000000000 0000000000FFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000 0000000000FFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000 0000000000FFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000 0000000000FFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000 0000000000FFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000 0000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000 00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000 00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000 000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000 </OS-BADGE-ICONS> </CHRP-BOOT>