Be warned, the F50 4-way is very touchy under Linux. I never finished my SMP work with it before IBM pulled the plug. There are known races so don't rely on the thing to stay up for you :)
} I have successfully installed Debian 2.2 Potato on an IBM F50 with 4 } cpus. Unfortunatly, I need to recompile the kernel to support SMP, and } among other things, MSDOS filesystem. I have had a rough time trying to } } get a kernel to compile (using source for 2.2.17) and I was hoping maybe } } someone had some tips for me as to which kernels are best suited for } this machine, etc. } } I've also been trying to get a decent window manager installed for X. I } } would prefer KDE, but when I try to "apt-get install kdebase", I am told } } that kdebase has a broken dependency for "rman" (reverse man pages } builder I believe) and that the package is not installable b/c rman has } no installation candidate. } } Finally, console-apt won't install because libapt-pkg2.6 is } unavailable. I *really* like capt, so that's just sort of on the wish } list. } } If anyone can aid me to resolve any of these problems, I'd be quite very } } obliged. } } Thanks as always,