Uwe Muench wrote:

> [ disk trouble with root disk ...]
>  > You might try a few different floppies.  Floppies are notoriously
>  > unreliable.
> Yeah; I tried 5 different floppies for the root image... And after
> they failed, I tested them as boot-floppy and there they
> worked... Putting the root image on again made them fail again... :-(

Sounds like a boot-floppies bug. Please report it with a detailed description
so it can be fixed before the potato release.


The Unix Guru's View of Sex:
unzip; strip; touch; grep; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; umount; sleep
Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)  \  CS student and free software enthusiast
Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc,i386) user \   member of XFree86, Team *AMIGA*, AUGS

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