On Sat, Jul 08, 2000 at 11:35:52PM -0500, Josh wrote:
> Cool, I'll try this.  Is there a reason for not doing the whole thing as
> root?
> When I compiled the first time, I could not do the'make mrproper' except as
> root (some weird stuff happened, but I don't remember exactly what).  But I
> haven't checked the path as normal user (I don't know why else 'make'
> wouldn't work).

probably the kernel source tree is owned by someone else.  i never
compile anything as root, instead i have a user `build' who has write
support to /usr/src and /usr/local/src, i extract the kernel tarball
as user build into /usr/local/src/ mv it to linux-2.2.16 (or whatever
version) then create a linux -> linux-2.2.16 symlink.  i also have a
/usr/src/linux -> /usr/local/src/linux symlink.  (/usr/local is its
own partition, and in keeping with package manager convention i keep
all non-packaged source code in /usr/local/src)

all the steps of compiling kernels works fine as build (with the
exception of make modules_install) 

i usually use kernel-package to build kernels anyway, its a nice way
to manage kernel images. 

the reason i have a separate account is simply that i don't want to
have write permission to installed source code, i want it protected
along with all the binaries on the system.

Ethan Benson

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