Our 1996 Powerbase 200 603ev PCI Mac clone died yesterday.
Sometimes it was Mac, mostly it was one of our network backups.
The drives spin up, there's enough video to gray the screen
but nothing else.  Oh well.

Is there any reason not to put the whole thing in the trash?
It's got an MB with CPU and video on riser cards and PCI slots
running off the video card.  I'm guessing that none of that
stuff is upgradeable/replaceable and that the geometry of
the case makes it useless too.  So the NIC cards and RAM
are useless; at least I can salvage the SCSI stuff?

Or is there some sort of board standardization for PCI
powerpc so that I can at least get it to run linux again?  
And then we can jut buy an iMac at Staples.

Failing that, are there any debian developers that need
hardware from same?  10/100 21064 NICs and RAM.  I'm not
sure how to tell if anything else even works.  It's not like
I have spare parts to swap in and out.



Christopher F. Miller, Publisher                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MaineStreet Communications, Inc         208 Portland Road, Gray, ME  04039
1.207.657.5078                                       http://www.maine.com/
Database publishing, e-commerce, office/internet integration, Debian linux.

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