I'm not an expert on powerpc machines but can you boot on CD ? from the OF perhaps ? (there is something on this in the linux ppc archives)
If so the image from the official site is fine for start. The information from the thread on installing iMac DVD is helpfull also. With this I was able to boot my linux box. Thanks one more time for those who help :-) O+ xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 33 (0) 1 69 15 79 59 ,/{} ,/ {| ,,,/ {|, __--~~ {| ~-, __--~~ { `\ ,__ \ `,\{),\, __-~ `_ ~-_ _-~ ~~-_`~-_ ' `~-_`~-__ `, `~-\_| `, _-----___ _,' / /--__ ~~--__ `~,~ / ~~--__ ~-', / ~~--'