On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 01:27:31PM -0400, Aaron Amendolia wrote:
> Hello and thanks in advance for any aid you give me...
>  I'd like to setup debian on my g4 350 mac here but I'm getting a bit lost as
> to what files I exactly need to gather and from where. I've encountered a
> couple
> websites and read a few versions of documents but I'm getting confused as to
> what list to follow and what to grab file wise.
>   I guess my few hours spent pouring over sites and documentation has left
> me with little
>  confidence to know what I need to exactly download and do.
>  I hate to ask someone to hold my hand through this process but I'm pretty
> unsure so any help
> as to what and where I need to go to get the ball rolling on this would be
> greatly appreciated.

please read my debian newworld install notes in addition to the
standard debian install docs (found where you download boot floppies)
if you still have questions please ask them.  

the main important difference on newworld systems such as your G4, is
you cannot use BootX and you must partition a bit differently, you
need your macos partition LAST and a special 800K "Apple_Bootstrap" type
partition first.  look at the yaboot-faq as well for info on yaboot
and ybin:  http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/doc/yaboot-faq.html

Ethan Benson

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