On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 01:59:32PM +1000, Brendan J Simon wanted to say the following: > I am trying to get my modem working with my new PowerBook. > I have installed the latest kernel and Debian Potato. > I have setup ppp with "pppconfig" but when I type "pon" the prompt just > returns. I have a feeling that a device of /dev/ttyS0 is not > appropriate for powerpc machines. > > What is the appropriate /dev for my internal powerbook modem ? > Should I make a symbolic link called /dev/modem to it ?
I assume you have the "Pismo", in other words the powerbook with firewire. I had the same problem, and my trouble was caused by the irmanager, it thought it wanted to use ttyS0 for the infrared port. I had to change the port it was trying to attach to by editing /etc/irda/drivers and changing the port there. The modem on the Pismo is /dev/ttyS0 so you need to either change irmanager to use something else or disable irmanager completely so it doesnt start on bootup. A tool called update-rc.d is handy for the latter (need to be root to do this): # update-rc.d irmanager remove update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/irmanager exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) That leaves the /etc/init.d/irmanager so you can start it by hand or restore it to start on boot with "update-rc.d irmananger defaults" later if you need to. At least my modem responds to AT commands now, so it should work. I hope this helped you. Btw, it has been suggested on the list that Woody should be used instead of Potato at the moment. Woody is very broken and incomplete. At least Potato has more recent packages of some things. (someone please correct me if I am wrong) Best wishes, Tuomas Kuosmanen -- .---> tigert @ helixcode.com . |\,/| tigert @ gimp.org <-----. +----> www.helixcode.com - ()-@@ , tigert.gimp.org <----+ `-----> art director , `--')/ a gimp artist <---'