"KW" == Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   KW> Since I had read that 2.2.15 had problems (which is
   KW> what I started with on this Mac), I downloaded the source
   KW> for 2.2.16 (I couldn't find 2.2.16 on the Debian site, only
   KW> older versions and 2.2.17pre6 -- why isn't 2.2.16 there?
   KW> aren't the even-numbered versions stable and the odd ones
   KW> developmental?) from one of the major sites (linux.org?
   KW> linux.com? I don't remember now). I applied the patch and
   KW> then compiled the kernel, turning on the MOL component.

2.2.16 also has problems, as do the first few of Alan Cox's
prepatches (at least one of them was unbuildable on PowerPC
because some symbols were missing from an include file; the latest
PowerPC stuff still isn't completely merged, but 2.2.17pre6 seems
to work fine on my machine: Linux diziet 2.2.17pre6-dartlin #1 Fri
Jun 23 01:37:27 PDT 2000 ppc unknown).

As for the even-numbered vs. odd-numbered question, the 2.2.*
series is the stable series; 2.3.* is the current unstable series,
but will soon become the stable 2.4.* series, with 2.5.* replacing
2.3.* as the experimental series.  In other words, the second
number is the significant one for determining stable vs. unstable,
not the last.

Lots of other people chimed in with pointers to the development
package you needed, but no one mentioned a handy tool on the
Debian Web site for determining the answer to such questions.  If
you're trying to compile something and run across a missing file,
you can use the search form at the *bottom* of
<http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages> to look for them -- be
sure to set the distribution field to frozen (if you want potato)
or unstable (if you want the latest and greatest) -- once potato
is actually released, stable would work fine.  The search script
will return a list of packages that contain the file you searched
for; you can then download the relevant package with APT.  (You
can search for just the file name, which might return several
packages, or for the whole path (if you know it), which should
only return one or two.)

I've actually copied the source code for both the search forms on
that page, as well as the ones for the bug tracking system, to a
local page on my system so I have a quick way of accessing various
search engines.  I highly recommend doing so to anyone who might
be doing a fair amount of searching.


 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   SHC, DS

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