> Well that's the thing. I've read through quite a bit of list archives and > web pages documenting yaboot and ybin, etc. but I haven't seen a way to get > things going if you don't already have Linux installed. How can I, with my > little iBook running Mac OS 9, but not Linux yet, get up and running without > crashing long enough to install the system and get yaboot going?
Here's what I did with my powerbook. 1. I created a small MacOS partition (I had always intended to have a dual boot machine). Of course, I had to blow away the existing Mac one, but I was doing that anyway. 2. Put the yaboot binary and an uncompressed kernel in the top level of the drive. 3. Edit yaboot.conf. I used the one at the Yellow Dog Linux site as a model. You need to figure out what OF calls your boot drive. I used BBEdit to make sure that I didn't screw up the line endings under MacOS. (BBEdit rocks, btw). 4. Boot into OF, and type the magic phrase: boot hd;x,yaboot where x is the number of your drive. Do not put a space after the comma, like your fingers want to, or OF will get confused. Cheers Stephen