I used the latest boot floppies (2.2.15-2000-06-07) from potato 
(boot-floppy-hfs.img and root.bin). I donwloaded drivers and base.tgz from the 
net (worked perfectly, well I am not sure about sound, but at least network). 
But the last steps failed (boot from harddisk, make a boot floppy).

Can anybody send me the man page of quik (I do not have an installed Debian 
powerpc system) and quik.conf?

I've seen the example configuration at http://www.debian.de/Lists-Archives/debi
an-powerpc-0004/msg00030.html and it seems to be pretty similar to lilo. And I 
think it is worth to try to run it from the second console.

I am wondering if there is an option to boot from the sda2 with the 
boot-floppy-hfs.img? When I used it to install the system, a TUX came up, but 
no option for kernel boot parameters like in the i386 rescue disc.

When I booted with the resue floppy (when macos was still installed), it was 
simply ejected. So what is the purpose of the rescue floppy in the power mac 

Thank you.


> Um, what version of the installer are you using??  Quik certainly does
> work on powermacs, although you probably have to edit its config file
> by hand.  There is documentation floating around about the process;
> someone with more free time needs to add it to the boot-floppies
> documentation.
> On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 07:15:08PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > 
> > I installed Debian for the PowerMac on a PowerMac 9500. After completing 
> > the 
> > installation (dh_bootstrap), I wanted to make the system bootable directly 
> > from the hard disk, but I learned Quik does not yet work for PowerMac. The 
> > I 
> > wanted to make a boot floppy. But making boot floppies is also not yet 
> > supported by powermac.
> > 
> > So what is the best way to boot this thing, when I removed MacOS and the 
> > hfs 
> > file systems?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Rainer.
> > 
> > 
> > --  
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> > 
> > 
> Dan
> /--------------------------------\  /--------------------------------\
> |       Daniel Jacobowitz        |__|        SCS Class of 2002       |
> |   Debian GNU/Linux Developer    __    Carnegie Mellon University   |
> |         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |  |       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
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