Hi, Now in Japan, GTK+ based mail client called "sylpheed" develops for whole Unix based systems by HIroyuki Yamamoto. It opens as "alpha-version" now, but feels stable on normal use. It looks like some Windoze mailers, menu based settings, feels easy to use.
Features: Light weight cool interface easy to set/use Now implemented multi-account MH format mail handring multi-part MIME clickable URI Address book (XML based database) NNTP reader APOP account gettext message system for internationalization and so on. It develops on Debian/x86, and works on Linux-x86/PPC,Solaris, FreeBSD, with GTK+ libs. Now Mr. Yamamoto updates and implements new features day by day. Web(Japanese only): http://www.kcn.ne.jp/~hiro-y/ Return for : From: Brendan Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on " deb-ppc: recommended browser and email client ? " date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 11:39:47 -0500 >>> >I've just got X windows running (limping) on my powerbook. I was using >communicator on my Intel laptop and would probably stuck with it (even >though it is a *big* memory hog and has some bugs) but it is not >packaged for powerpc. This surprises me a little with the impending 2.2 >release. I thought communicator would be a high priority for a lot of >people. Since communicator is not available, I have installed Mozilla. >I can email and browse but this product crashes quite often. I think it >is Milestone14 and I know Milestone15 has be released. > >What are other people using for web browsing and email clients on their >powerpc machines ? >Any recommendations ? >Is communicator going to be available anytime in the near future ? >Is Mozilla going to replace communicator at any stage ? >Would I be better off sticking to Mozilla and hoping that the features >catch up to Communicator's real soon ? > >I thought that Mozilla and Communicator are from the same source code, >so why are some of the features missing in Mozilla ? Are they supposed >to be in sync or are they totally seperate projects ? They do look >quite different but someone told me that the new version of Communicator >looks similar to Mozilla. Is this true ? > >Thanks, >Brendan Simon. Best regards. ---------------------- Kaz Aoshima = Editor of the PReP station Material development, Faculty of engineering, Tohoku University, Japan E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] #I would appreciate if you could give me suggestions for my impolite English expressions.