Ethan Benson wrote:

> > Nothing complains about bad audio devices, but I never get any audio output.
> > Never. Not even system-beeps when I hit backspace in a console window. aumix
> > comes up rather screwed, with an aumix -q producing:
> do you have external speakers plugged in? or are you expecting sound
> out of the internal speaker?  if the latter then your right you don't
> hear anything because the internel speaker does not work under
> GNU/Linux.  (i don't know why)
Ah-hah. That did it...almost. :) Just plugging in the speakers didn't help,
I had to play around with aumix to turn up the volume. I could only do it on
command line, because the speaker control is screwed (120,103...)

So, after doing an "aumix -p 75 -v 75" I had audio. And now, I'm going to
file a bug against aumix. :)
> i have a blue G3 too and if i plug headphones into the sound out on
> the back i can hear the system beep and anything i dump into
> /dev/audio.  (i have dmasound compiled into the kernel) but the
> internel speaker does not work.

Thanks for that, about your G3 (or anyone else with a B&W) am I
correct in recalling that Xfree3.3.6 doesn't have accelerated support for
the Rage128? Or am I missing something... you have your B&W XF86Config setup properly to allow for mode
changes? I appear to be stuck in 1024x768x75hz, (the last resolution I used
under MacOS) and if I try to change it, X hangs the's just
luverly. :)

Any one point me in the right direction, at least? I always try to RTFM
before I ask questions, but that kind of requires me to find a manual to
read. :)

-Jeremiah Merkl

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