"EB" == Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   EB> that would indeed be a good thing to do, the helix guys
   EB> seem to be interested in doing these debs right so maybe if
   EB> you get them built they will make them available.  i would
   EB> guess they don't have access to any non-intel hardware
   EB> which would explain the intel only binaries.  that is one
   EB> disadvantage of non-debian developer maintained packages i
   EB> suppose.  (is this eventually going to get an official
   EB> debian maintainer?)

I think they may have done a better job with the debs than with
the RPMs -- my housemate installed their RPMs on a Red Hat box and
discovered that none of the executables were stripped!  (Stripping
recovered something on the order of 20 MiB!)

You can definitely do apt-get source <package> and build it; you
may want to check to make sure you have all the build depends
installed first, though.  You probably shouldn't bother with the
deb lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list -- there aren't any binary
packages for PowerPC, and apt will just complain if you try to get
those (nonexistent) lists.

I grabbed gnome-pilot, built it, installed it, and, after freezing
my system with setserial and recovering, was finally able to sync
my Pilot from Linux.  I have no idea how to access the data from
any applications yet, but at least it's backed up.

The HelixCode people do seem interested in building debs for
PowerPC, though -- see
<http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/958714217/>, especially
(hmm, looks like Zope...).  There's also been some discussion
about getting the debian directories into the CVS archive, and
whether the Helix packages will become an ``official'' part of
woody or not (the Helix folks want to work something out with the
current maintainers).


 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   SHC, DS

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