On 19-Maj-00, you wrote:

> On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 01:01:14PM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
>> Meaning that the session probably gets started and terminates
>> immediately, e.g. because some program doesn't exist or fails.
>> You really have to check where and how wdm invokes the session and try to
>> find out what goes wrong.
> the same as xdm, it runs /etc/X11/Xsession which, if it exists will
> run ~/.xsession otherwise it runs twm or an xterm as a failsafe.  if
> your ~/.xsession is bogus you will get kicked out right away since
> when .xsession exits your X session exits.
> your .xession should look like this:
> #! /bin/sh
> xscreensaver &
> exec wmaker
> in this case i run xscreensaver to waste CPU cycles and then run
> WindowMaker for my window manager, make sure there is no `&' after the
> last command in the .xession (which needs to be your windowmanager)
> otherwise the script will exit killing your X session...
> a more safe script would look like this:
> #! /bin/sh
> xscreensaver &
> if [ -x `which wmaker` ] ; then
>    exec wmaker
> elif [ -x `which twm` ] ; then
>    exec twm
> else
>    exec xterm
> fi
> but i don't bother, if my .xsession gets broke i just login on
> console/ssh and fix it there ;-)
>> And once again: gdm will probably work :)
> bah! ;-)

Once I added your script everything works very good :). I noticed that I had
to turn off gpm because it made some kind of conflict with the mouse, so
the mousepointer moved extremely slow, but after shutting this program down
it moves almost as smooth as with AmigaOS =).

Thanks for the help! Now I can really enjoy the power of my ppc board. Soon
I will probably surf the net with mozilla(M15) and fetch mail with a
mailprogram and many many things I normally would do with AmigaOS. Where
can I get the latest Mozilla deb?

Kind regards Björn "Bear" Johansson


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