On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 05:22:13AM -0700, joe ares wrote:
> > >     (can debian use Apple's DART/DiskCopy?)
> > >      http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n10298
> > 
> > Apple's Disc Copy 6.1.3 will accept dd image files, there is no need
> > to use Apple's proprietary formats.  
> > 
> I was about to disagree about using DiskCopy until I saw your instructions on 
> the other post.

a friend of mine had tested that for me (he is a macos expert so i
figured he knew what he was talking about) and said the file types did
not matter at all, he even said the file types were set to some
graphics program or something and disk copy didn't care.  ill have to
slap him around in irc tomorrow :P

> >Disk copy and dd image files -- howto
> If you just download the files on your mac and try to use them directly with 
> DiskCopy you get "The Make Floppy operation did not complete. (-54)"
> DiskCopy's convert image... command won't even recognize the files.

yup its whining because there is no resource fork with proprietary
data in it.  dumb dumb dumb.  what is strange though if you tell it to
mount the image it does it just fine, make a floppy is the only thing
that fails... what a lame program!

> >Disk copy and dd image files -- howto
> thanks for the trick to change how the mac recognizes it.
> And for those of you who don't know how to change creator & kind, you need to 
> get Apple's ResEdit, Norton Utilities, Resourcer, or some other specialized 
> utility.

just be sure to lock the file after you make those changes otherwise
disc copy will fsck it up (it started adding resource forks and other
bullsh** along with its obnoxious behaviour of mounting the image
read-write at the drop of any hat, thus letting macos ruin it)

`user friendlyness' is what you call that i suppose, bleah.

(BTW your line wrapping is broken)

Ethan Benson

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