Sven LUTHER wrote:

> > > Would you compile the ppc version of it ?
> >
> > I could, but it takes _very_ long to build on my machine... and I only
> > have access to it on weekends.
> Well, still less than waiting for me to fix my box and then upload it. If i
> remember it correctly, you have the same box as i, and it should not take
> more than 5 hours or so ?

No, still someone else could certainly build it far faster than I.


Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
Michel Dänzer                             ///           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                     __  ///         AmigaOS/Linux(Debian/PPC)
Student of computer science at the   \\\///   Team *AMIGA*      ICQ #: 5675698
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology \\\/   AUGS member #163      IRC: CoOpER

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