Hiya, I've just installed Debian/PPC on my PowerMac 8600, and XF68 is failing to load with the XF68_FBDev server. I haven't tweaked or touched the XF86Config file, and have little or nothing to go on to see if I need to, or if something is totally breaking how X runs. When I run startx, it begins to load, the display seems like its scanrate is too high for the monitor, then the server is killed off by signal 11, and boots me back to the shell. No core files to be checked, no info was provided by gdb when I ran X through it. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be really appreciative.
Thanks In Advance, The Proteus - - - T h e U n d e r g r o u n d W a r e h o u s e - - - - - - Subversive - Tools - For - A - Chaotic - Planet - - - - h t t p : / / w w w . u g w a r e h o u s e . o r g / - --<T h e P r o t e u s>-<Musician>-<Producer>-<Engineer>--