> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hartmut Koptein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 5:02 PM
> To: Debian-PowerPC ML
> Subject: RS/6000 and other systems

>  We need people who do tests with the current boot-floppies. And we need
>  reports about it. What does work, what not.
>  I need reports for prep and power-mac systems.
>  I need also help in what system goes in what categories as chrp, pmac and
>  prep.
>  Please have a look at
> http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/install/install.html
>  Which rs/6k is chrp, which one is prep???
>  What about system from Bull and other systems?

Hi Hartmut,

-Bull "Escala S100" = CHRP
 (and is the same as IBM 43P-140)
  -> I have seen no running Linux on it yet.

-Bull "Escala" S120 = CHRP
 (and is the same as IBM 43P-150)
  -> Linux runs fine, Debian not tested yet

-Motorola "MTX" and "MTX plus"  = PREP
  -> Linux runs fine, Debian not tested yet


Andreas Reeh                    (technischer Support)
AID Computers AG                Tel:    +49-2234-95310-19
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