Giorgio Signori wrote:
> Ciao Michel Dänzer, il 23-Feb-00 mi scrivi:
> MD>
> MD>
> MD> This fixes quite some bugs, give it a try if you've been deceived by
> MD> 3.9.17f, especially as the tarballs are smaller now :)
> Great work!

Thanks, nice to hear that it works better. (Although I'm not surprised it does

> This version is quite stable, Gnome works perfectly, and so Afterstep. Also,
> Myth2 doesn't hang anymore when the mouse reaches the edges of the window.
> Also GIMP until now hasn't crashed a single time.

Guess it was all the same bug. And what a bugger it was!

In the end it was only one line missing in the accel code. But I had to build
a static server and do a lot of remote gdb debugging to figure it out :-p

> The only that seems not to work is the gl driver... if i uncomment the gl
> support (I estracted the tar to the root directory), X won't start. But
> it's not a problem for me now :-)

Still haven't come around to testing/debugging that - can you send me a log

I have to point out again that you probably wouldn't like it even if it
worked. Stick to Mesa as long as there is no DRI for Permedia2.


So many Christians, so few lions.
Michel Dänzer                             ///           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                     __  ///         AmigaOS/Linux(Debian/PPC)
Student of computer science at the   \\\///   Team *AMIGA*      ICQ #: 5675698
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology \\\/   AUGS member #163      IRC: CoOpER

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