  I have been trying to install debian-powerpc on my PowerBase200 machine. It 
gets stuck at the "install Kernel and Modules" step - it finds the resc1440.bin 
image (which I put on my LinuxPPC partition), but is unable to mount it.  
  The error message suggests using '-o loop' in the mount command, so I tried 
doing that manually.  I got this to work, using the command 'mount /dev/hda8 
/floppy -o loop' (only by pointing BootX at my LinuxPPC kernel, with the debain 
ramdisk.image, since the kernel in the debian dist doesn't support '-o loop'), 
and ran the script /floppy/install.sh that was in the image.  Second time I ran 
it, it said the kernel was install successfully, and it appeared in /boot. But 
the installer still thinks the kernel and modules are not loaded, and keeps 
bumping me back to that step.
  Any and all help in getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.  I got 
the resc1440.bin image from ftp.debian.org on Feb13, and was sure to use binary 
mode etc.


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