The package currently distributed is 6.1, although 7.1
 was made available long ago. Version 6.1 does not work
 on my laptop (Apple Lombad), so I tried 7.1, compiling
 it with the big endian option. After opening a loopback
 connection, I got the following error from the program:

-- ERROR: sfmike: soundgrab: Invalid argument

 This is the sound-card of the Apple Lombard:

# cat /dev/sndstat 
rMac (AWACS rev 3) DMA sound driver:
        sound.format = 0x20 (signed 16 bit big)
        sound.speed = 44100Hz (phys. 44100Hz)
        sound.stereo = 0x1 (stereo)
        sq.block_size = 256 sq.max_count = 4 sq.max_active = 4
        sq.count = 0 sq.rear_size = 256
        sq.playing = 0 sq.syncing = 0


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