At 01:41 -0900 2000-02-07, Ethan Benson wrote: >On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 03:45:46AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> 0 > setenv boot-device fd:0 ok >> >> 0 > setenv boot-file /linux load_ramdisk=1 root=/dev/ram video=keep ok >> >> 0 > boot unrecognized Client Program formatstate not valid >> >> ok > >I am not too familier with that machine's OF, but it looks to me like >it does not support filesystems, AFAIK the only macs that have OF >capable of reading a filesystem is the newworld (colored) ones. (I >assume that the clones just used Apple's current incarnations of OF at >the time rather then make their own)
That's not true, even the most broken versions of Apple OF understand HFS filesystems on floppies at least. The issue here is that `linux' is an ELF image, which nothing pre-newworld supports. Incidentally the `bootargs' file is probably wrong, 'video=keep' isn't something I've ever seen. -- Joel Klecker (aka Espy) Debian GNU/Linux Developer <URL:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:> <URL:>