>>>>> "DG" == David Given <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    DG> [...]  And is there any way of persuading the Platinum video
    DG> hardware to do anything better than a frankly pathetic
    DG> 640x480?

    Me>  Yes!

    DG> Ta. I have successfully managed to put my machine into 800x600
    DG> mode. Pity the monitor couldn't handle it.

Sorry to hear that.

    DG> So I'm stuck at 640x480 until I can track down a better
    DG> monitor and a VGA<> Strange Mac Video Connector adapter.

Lots of monitors come with these adaptors -- look for them.  (My
machine actually has both a regular VGA and a Mac video out, and
my monitor (a Portrait Display Labs Pivot 1700, alas, wasted on
Linux) came with such an adaptor.)

    DG> BTW, is it possible to add more memory to a Platinum chipset?

I'm sure it depends on the machine.  I bought 3 1 MB video RAM
DIMMS for my PowerCenter when I ordered it, filling all the slots
on the motherboard and giving me a total of 4 MB of VRAM.


 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   SHC, DS

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