To get the required do the following

# cd /usr/lib ; ls -l libelf.*
    This should show libelf.a

# ld -shared -o --whole-archive libelf.a
    will create the dynamic library needed.

I went beyond this and stuff started happening but seemed to hang. 
Maybe it was doing something?

- Ramprasad
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Nelson Abramson wrote:

> When I try and run "./mozilla", it starts, and then stops w/ the
> error: "./mozilla-bin: error in loading shared libraries: cannot 
> open
> shared object file: No such file or directory "  Obviously this (or atleast 
> seems
> like) a dependency error.  I have libelf installed (I rpmed a new copy jik), 
> but
> the file definately does NOT exist on my hard drive.  What package should this
> file be part of..?  I checked libelf, it doesn't supply it...
> --Nelson Abramson
> --
> It is not enough, as the communist systems have assumed, merely to provide
> people with food, shelter, and clothing ... [without freedom and liberty]
> we are only half human; we are like animals who are content just to satisfy
> their physical needs.
> --The Dalai Lama, Global Communiy and the Need for Universal Responsibility
> ** Sent via the linuxppc-dev mail list. See

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