>I've tested the instlation floppies on a mac8500.
>Currently the rescue floppy is unreadable.

My experiences with Debian on my Starmax 5000 are as follows:

* I had linuxppc on two partitions; I squeezed the second's
material onto the first, leaving about 200 megs free. I
figured after I got base started, I could erase the
first partition and move /usr there.

* I did "tar zxvf base..." onto the second partition.

* Now, I'm unsure about what to do. I tried copying
the rescue disk image to ramdisk.image.gz in the
system folder and starting bootX with the ramdisk
set and / set to /dev/hda8, to no effect. If I just
start bootx without the ramdisk, it tells me I'm trying
to start an unconfigured system and need to run the
rescue disk.

I tried rawriting the rescue disk image to a floppy on a
PC and booting from it; there was no luck.

Could this be because there are problems with the rescue
floppy? Do any of you have any suggestions?

Phil Fraering

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