Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Björn Johansson wrote:
> > So, you mean that the Amiga4000 has no PCI? When I bought an Infinitiv tower
> The plain A4000 has no PCI.
> > for my A1200, there were instructions which told me that EVEN THIS tower
> > model(zorro-version) had 2 PCI:s. So you mean that the Infinitiv
> > manufucturer have lied? Strange... Since I'm definitely not a expert in
> > hardware I'm going to check this up.
> Since many Amiga graphics boards have a FPGA to convert from Zorro to PCI,
> it's possible that the Infinitiv tower has such a thing.

Oh, didn't know.

But is there PCI support in APUS?

If there is, the graphics cards might really work, right?


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free  -- Linus Torvalds
Michel Dänzer                             ///           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                     __  ///         AmigaOS/Linux(Debian/PPC)
Student of computer science at the   \\\///   Team *AMIGA*      ICQ #: 5675698
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology \\\/   AUGS member #163      IRC: CoOpER

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