Hi all !

I need people testing my kernels on old machines. They contain quite a
bit of change to support the new macs (iBook, iMacDV, G4), some of those
changes did affect existing common code and I want to make sure I didn't
break anything on older machines. (In some cases, I may have improved
things since they also contain a few fixes non specific to the new machines).

My latest kernel (rev 9.1) can be found at:


Especially, I need to have tests of:

 - IDE on all machines. Especially, if DMA works or not, if it worked and
is now broken, if it never worked and now works, and what perfs (hdparm
-tf /dev/hda) you get. I've fixed a few issues related to having a master
and a slave device with different timings on the same bus.

 - PowerBook features, especially media bay (test all devices you can,
test hot swap and sleep).

There are a few known issues that you don't need to report me:

 - There are some known SCSI problems inherited from the 2.2.14pre9
kernel on which my kernels are base. This should be fixed when I merge
with a more recent release

 - dmasound is compiled as a module, so you won't get any sound unless
you install the modules and do an "insmod dmasound".

 - International keyboard problems (missing keys on USB, non-working
alt-shift-key combos).

If you have a problem that already existed with previous kernels and
still occurs, please report it too. Please include detailed configuration
informations (anything you think is relevant, including machine model,
PCI cards, etc...).

Thanks, and have fun !

P.S. Don't reply to the mailing lists since I don't read all of them.
Also don't report if things are just working fine without differences
with previous kernels.


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