Ack! I don't get this with that drop on the F50 I have. } Starts looping when loading "SCSI SCRIPTS": } } sym53c875-2: restart (scsi reset). } } scsi: aborting command due to timeout: pid 68, scsi2, channel 0 id 8, } lun 0, Read (6) 00 00 00 02 02 } } and stuff like that. } } So, no go.
Grab the latest (2.2.14-pre4) and do a make common_config and you'll have the .config for 'em (just add smp in xconfig). } Where can I get the sources and configs used to build these kernels? } I would like to try my hand at making something work. In the } kernel-sources dir, the sources appear to not match up with what is in } -images.