VALETTE Eric wrote:
> Environment information
> -----------------------
> 53 powermac1:/tmp->uname -a
> Linux powermac1 2.2.12 #1 Sat Sep 4 17:53:53 MDT 1999 ppc unknown
> 54 powermac1:/tmp->gcc -v
> Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-linux/2.95.1/specs
> gcc version 2.95.1 19990816 (release)
> Proof of uncorrect behavior

*Resident Assembly-Level and egcs hater steps up to bat, a bit late*

Been moving, yadda yadda. Hey again everyone, I'm moved in, I'm going to
be without development machines till somebody can get me a deal on one
(at this point, I'll take anything PowerPC 604e or better), and I'm
getting really pissed off at Sun's sheer idiocy - I thought SPARC was a
production product, not a beta-quality engineering sample! *SNORT!*

Anyways - 

You don't need to prove it to me; egcs is broken. It will remain so.
I've basically decided that I will not contribute to egcs until such a
time as they stop forcing their sheer LUNACY and complete INCOMPETENCE
on others.

Solution - 

Get gcc Trust me. 2.95.1 is egcs in disguise and it SUCKS.


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