> > There seems to be a dependancy problem in 1.1.2, though. It installed, but 
> > gave me errors. It seems kdebase-1.1.2 does not provide "kdebase", on which
> > other packages depend.
> huh?  if the package is called kdebase...doesn't it automatically provide
> kdebase???  

I think it provides kdebase-1.1.1 only. Yes, -1.1.<one>, not -1.1.2 I will 
have a look into it this evening.

> this has to be a ppc thing since it works for i386,sparc,alpha...

Yes, but it's strange anyway. I did not change anything in the source.
> please le me know what versions of gcc/binutils you needed to build kde
> successfully so I can set the control file properly  upstream.

gcc 2.95.1, binutils
Frank Petzold, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Säumerstrasse 4,
CH-8803 Rüschlikon/Switzerland, Tel.  +41-1-724-84-42  Fax.   +41-1-724-89-56
 Business email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The opinions expressed here are mine and not necessarily those of IBM.

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