|            .-'''''-.       Kevin Puetz                             |
|          .'   _/|   `.                                             |
|         :   =/_/      :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -preferred          |
|        :   _/ |        :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    |
|       (\  /  ,|        :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                |
|        \\/^\/||__     :                                            |
|     _/~`~`""~`"` \_ .'  "Could you please continue the petty       |
|  __/  -'/  `-._ `\_\__   bickering?  I find it - most intriguing." |
|/     /-'`  `\   \  \-.\    --Data, STTNG, "Haven"                  |

>>   I have suggestions to facilitate 'greenhorns' coming from
>> MacLand that are curious about Debian Linux:
>> - the easiest way would be to post the floppy image files
>>   not only as raw images but also as Apple Disk Copy files.
>>   Every Mac user can take this utility from his MacOS install
>>   CD, so there is not even a need to provide this tool
>>   on the Debian ftp site.

Actually, the file format is the same - you just have to fix the
type/creator codes... I think it's supposed to be the same as the standard
apple disk images, but I'm going to quote from a LinuxPPC-user message from
long ago. This should be relatively easy to do, I'd think - but it would
still require having a MacBinarized copy of the disk images.

Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 02:38:43 +0100
From: Martin Costabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: supp.img via MacOS (Was Re: FTP Problems (fwd))

> Kevin Puetz wrote:
>> >> Also, could someone who has created a diskette of the two images make
>> >> disk images from them (and upload these images)? That would make getting
>> >> floppies easier...
> Here is the solution to this problem. It is so simple that I feel quite
> stupid (but still a little less than you all :-)).
> ***The ramdisk.images are the same thing as Apple disk images***
> You can indeed just download supp.img from linuxppc.org on your Mac in
> MacOS. Then use ResEdit to change the type to dimg and the creator to
> ddsk (or type=DDim, creator=DDp+), or maybe one of them suffices, I
> don't know. Then just use DiskCopy (or DiskDup+ from the LinuxPPC R4 CD)
> and put it on a floppy. You don't even need to format the floppy before.
> This works. I just tried it.
> Have fun
> --
> Martin

>> - some smart guy (what are you looking at me?) could 'port'
>>   rawrite2.exe or dd to the MacOS so it would run native
>>   giving the possibility to use the same raw floppy image files.
>>   Well, this possibility is not as cheap (in term of effort)
>>   as the former.
>> - out on the net there exist some NFSd for the MacOS, this
>>   would allow for net-installing Debian Linux onto the target
>>   machine. You agree with me that this might be a bit tricky
>>   too for the 'first time user'.

Way too tricky, and should wait until there are at least working floppys for
an install.

>> I look forward that you agree with me that my first proposition
>> is the simplest one (it's no more than to convert and upload a
>> bunch of additional files) and gives easy potential to 'greenhorns'
>> from MacLand interested in Debian Linux.

Umm... until there is an installer that works (someone correct me if there
is, please - are the instructions that say use tar to unpack the base
out-of-date? Please say yes) I think it's best to discourage greenhorns any
way possible... to avoid disasters.

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