[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I've tested this package on a PowerBook (Lombard series), and it gives > similar symptoms to the older version of the XF68_FBDev.
Power Mac G3/233 DT Rev 1. > If I run without acceleration, everything works fine. I have redraw problems (windows don't refresh when uncovered until moved) with acceleration on, but not with accel off. However, it's dog-slow with it off. > If I run with acceleration it works a while, but then the entire > server crashes. True here too, but slightly different - it crashes if running through xdm and logged in - but a logged out xdm is fine, as is a startx'ed session (or both at once, on :0 :1) I haven't tried without accel in xdm... but either way is stable if startx'ed. > If I run Xpmac (from the LinuxPPC RPM) it works fine with > acceleration, but it messes up my "font:VGA8x8" upon switching away > from X. Haven't tried this... > If I run XF68_FBDev from ftp://devel.linuxppc.org/users/trini/ > XFree86-3.3.5/ it seems to work with acceleration (hasn't crashed > yet). Hmm... may have to try that. > Something isn't fully compatible with the debian patching and this > machine. > 3.3.5 _does_ work better than, because _always_ > crashed when it reinitialised the accel code when switching back from > console to X. This was not a problem here in either case. I use 2 VT's with X and many with shells, so I switch a lot. > /Stefan