problem #1

I'm trying to install Linux on a 43P 100.
At the moment it is running LinuxPPC R4 with kernel 2.1.125 .

Now I'm trying to install something newer, I looked at LinuxPPC R5/1999, YDL
CS1.1 and Debian, but I can't get a working kernel. All 2.2.x I have found do
not handle SCSI adapter (ncr53c810-0 ?) well.

2.1.125 runs scsi0 : ncr53c8xx - revision 3.01    - Good
2.2.x   run  scsi0 : ncr53c8xx - version 3.2      - Bad
Boot message difference is just a little line that tells:
ncr53c8xx: reallocating io_port (Wacky IBM)
just before detection of the submodel (?)

2.2 kernels either hang or detach the adapter, leaving me with a non installable
system: no CD, no HD.

Can someone discover what changed from 3.01 to 3.2 and try to fix it in order to
have a working kernel ?

I can manually copy error messages from the display, if needed.

Any help appreciated.

This leads to problem #2

 Alberto Varesio - AIX Support Professional             Phone: +39-011-41581-11
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