On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, John Whitley wrote:
>       * I'd _like_ to use the SUN12x22 console font, but for some
>         reason, it never does work right anymore.  Yes, it is
>         compiled into my kernels.  In two early attempts, it was
>         working just fine, but I've never been able to recreate
>         those conditions since.  Explicit "vmode 14 32" brings up
>         the standard PeeCee VGA font, never the SUN font.  Oddly,
>         however, if the SUN12x22 was specified in the kernel video
>         options, 80x30 is the terminal window size after the manual
>         vmode.

I'm using the Sun font only. `video=atyfb:font:SUN12x22' works fine for me, and
keeps on working. If you have problems with it, don't compile in the PeeCee VGA
font, so SUN12x22 is the only available font.



Geert Uytterhoeven ----------------- Sony Suprastructure Center Europe (SUPC-E)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------- Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55
Phone +32-2-7248608 Fax +32-2-7262686 ---------------- B-1130 Brussels, Belgium

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