Hi, I'm looking for the vme driver for the tundra chip universe for my 2301 board. I've tryed the ftp://vcorr1.iram.es but I get an protocol error.
Does anybody known where I can get one archive ? I'm planning to compare all the following driver : universe_vme-0.7 VMELinux0_8a And Gabriel's one. xavier Xavier Grave [EMAIL PROTECTED] 33 (0) 1 69 15 79 59 ,/{} ,/ {| ,,,/ {|, __--~~ {| ~-, __--~~ { `\ ,__ \ `,\{),\, __-~ `_ ~-_ _-~ ~~-_`~-_ ' `~-_`~-__ `, `~-\_| `, _-----___ _,' / /--__ ~~--__ `~,~ / ~~--__ ~-', / ~~--'