Josh Huber wrote:
> Andreas Tobler writes:
> > here I sit too. I don't come further.
> > I have the CD snapshot from August (from a berlin-guy). I can't install
> > anything due to this not configured libc6.
> >
> > Any help yould be great
> Well, I haven't tried it yet, but I was reminded by the other response to my 
> original email why this might be screwed up.
> The permissions were most likely incorrect on my setup because of the fact I 
> didn't use the 'p' switch to tar when decompressing the base tgz file. 
> (retain permissions)
> I don't know if that was the problem -- I'll check later today after I get 
> home.
> Josh
seems to me that this was not the point, I did a tar xzpf base2_2.tgz -C 
with same result. libc6 can not be configured.....

Ok I take a break for a few hours, may you have some luck

Thanks anyway


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