On Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 02:07:09PM -0500, David Welton wrote:
> Hi, at the office (Linuxcare) we got a new toy:
> RS6000, 4 processors, 2 gigs of memory, 6x9 gig scsi disks.
> Naturally, I'd like to put Debian on it (in addition to Yellow Dog,
> that we are officialy supporting).  So... I looked at:
> http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/install/rs6k
> Which appears to be out of date.  I mailed Phillip, but haven't heard
> back, and the images that the page points to are on a host that cannot
> be reached!
> There is another link (the one pointing to a german site) that seems
> to work.. we'll see how that goes.
> Anyway, I'm looking for as much information as I can get, so if people
> could point me to whatever documentation they have found most useful,
> I would be grateful.

Could somebody *PLEASE* tell me just what email address is on that page?
*sigh* unicent.com lapsed, and should be deleted, if not at the least on
hold. I called NSI on orders from the incompetents above and told 'em to
just let the domain lapse, because we wouldn't pay. (For those of you who
don't know what happened to Unicent Technologies, email me privately if  
you'd like to hear a tale of damn near illegal business practices.) 

Anyways, I'm still fixing about a half million things around the office, 
and HOPEFULLY *HOPEFULLY* will have some images for dual to octal CPU 
604e systems, and POSSIBLY a *VERY* **VERY** beta RS64 kernel. This is 
assuming, of course, that I can get these people off of my back over 
things that are beyond my control long enough do to a make zImage, or
even a patch -p0. 

The updated site will be at ftp://mokole.nexbell.com/pub/rs6k/

Other developments may affect this, I will try to keep everyone updated
as things change. Sorry for being a bit out of touch there, everyone. 
It's been a really rough past few months. (Gods, I hate working for a 

-Phillip R. Jaenke, Systems Administrator, Nexbell Communications
 "Unix is so much more than a way of life. It's a way of.. er..
  it's a way of SOMETHING! I just don't know what yet!"

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